what lies behind my shadow?: October 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006


as soon as i got home from skul, i prepared my clothes nd other stuff for the party since it's gonna b on the next day ryt after skul. so yea, i also had to buy a gift.. then i helped my friend prepare food nd stuff. i was out the whole nyt.. i got home at lyk 1 am. i still had to do my gift nd do hw. i was pretty tired..


so tuesday.. finally, it came. i was very excited. haha. but the thing is i was 2 hours late.. hehe. luckily, nothing happened yet. nd yea.. tuesday was also fun. i definitely had a great tym.. i came home at lyk 1 am again.. this time i was very exhausted. 2 days with only 10 hours of sleep.. haha.


i was very sleepy first period. but i still got things down in my head. i slept on my 4th period though. haha.. i also had some after skul stuffs. nd so again.. kinda tired, but i knw i would get enough sleep dis tym..

Monday, October 02, 2006


so sunday... sunday was fun too. i went to youth ministry and they talked about abstinence in relationship w/ sex. nd then i went to the college fair. it was fun, i saw some old peepz frm riverside, i saw some fellow falcons too nd you ministry mates. i couldnt find UNC chapel hill at first so i went to look for Duke and the thing is, no one's going to the booth. so i took the oppurtunity.. i got their full attention since no one except me are talking to them. haha. i got pretty gud answers from them. nd yah, i went to all the colleges i want. i saw my homy too, but yea.. she was w/ her peep. then i went to take a break.. i ate at greek fiesta. hehe. then i went shopping for clothes for my friends 18th bday party. nd yah, i was pretty tired when i got home.. plus, my toe did hurt from all that walking..

Sunday, October 01, 2006

i am so fly, i had a great weekend.. "almost"

dis blog is becoming a diary.. hahaha. too bad, only few can read it.. haha. newayz, lets retrogress.. saturday afternoon, for background, please read the previous post.. so, it was saturday afternoon ryt, it was around lunch. somehow, i had a premonition that it would be boring and i was ryt. but everything was about to change.. i was watching mtv cribs when i recieved an offer from tito benjie(did i even spell his name ryt? haha). tito benjie is awesome, very talented person. he lyks to do stuffs in the house, i guess u can say "pimp my houz" hahaha. so he told me if i would want to paint our garage(he's painting our garage) and i was lyk "oh men, dis is gonna be fun(sarcasm)" but i said yes, im not dat person who says no ; ) i took a roller and a paint and did my thing.. and guess wat, i had fun doing it.. hahaha. it was really great. i also did some stuffs on the garage floor.. it was freakin' awesome. time flew by as the pendelum swings and it was actually very productive. after that, i was suppose to go to my friends house, but he had to bring his mom to work. and so told him to pick me up and so he did.. after lyk 2 hours. hahaha. but yah, we went to my other friend's house and we played counter strike, hahaha. it was very addicting.. its been 2 yrs since i played it. after dat, i only had lyk 45 minutes left till my curfew which is 12. and so went to bk coz we were so hungry. my friend has a lot of coupons, hahaha. we chilled out at my friend's houz for a bit, then i went home.. and dats pretty much bout saturday.. bout sunday, stay tuned for the next post.
